Venous disease encompasses a broad scope including superficial venous disease, acute deep vein thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndrome, venous compression syndromes, central venous occlusions (abdominopelvic and thoracic), acute pulmonary embolism, vena cava filter management, pelvic venous disease, varicoceles, and vascular malformations. Interventional radiology plays a crucial role in the percutaneous management of all these diseases. As our therapies and understanding of this domain continue to expand, strengthening the leadership position of interventional radiology in venous disease research, patient care, and education remain paramount.
SIR’s mission in venous disease is to improve the health of patients with venous disease by pioneering advances in image-guided therapy, promoting the delivery of outstanding procedural and nonprocedural care, improving venous disease education to providers and patients, and expanding patient access to expert clinical care by qualified interventional radiologists. The objectives of the Venous Council are to develop a strategic plan to guide SIR in achieving this mission and to successfully implement this plan across SIR programs and related multidisciplinary initiatives.
Over the next few years, the Venous CSC is focusing on the following priority areas:
- Research: Determining venous disease research priorities for SIR endorsement and SIR Foundation funding. Supporting IRs in the initiation, awareness, and participation in major venous trials, including chronic post-thrombotic change related deep vein thrombosis (C-TRACT trial), optimal management of pulmonary embolism (PE-TRACT), and management of women with venous origin chronic pelvic pain.
- Education: Developing a high-impact venous educational curriculum for in-person and online meetings from SIR to a variety of webinars and curated online content.
- Patient care: Expanding patient awareness to venous disease and access to a network of IR specialists with dedicated venous practices. Collaboration with other specialties who perform venous interventions to continue to maintain IR in the center of venous interventions.
The Venous Clinical Specialty Council is seeking at-large members. Applicants must be SIR members in good standing and should be experts in venous disease (at least one major area) as outlined above. Applications are considered confidential. Upon the completion of the application period, current CSC leadership will recommend volunteers for appointment by the SIR Board of Directors. At-large volunteers shall serve a three-year term with the opportunity for a three-year reappointment. Terms begin and end upon the completion of the annual SIR Members’ Business Meeting.
More information about the role is available here.