2025 Pain Management Clinical Specialty Council volunteers

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Signup Deadline: 01-31-2025
Starts: 04-02-2025
Ends: 03-21-2028



Pain affects more patients than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Moreover, historical management of pain by physicians and health systems has in part contributed to a humanitarian crisis resulting from addiction to opioids, and a formal charge for development and implementation of alternatives to opioids has been issued – specifically including development of interventional therapies. The interventional radiology skillset and evolved technology can be applied to specifically to the management of acute and chronic pain, including the development of advanced techniques as alternatives or adjuncts to pharmacological management, the dissemination and implementation of pain practice fundamentals, and the establishment of guidelines for operators.

SIR’s mission in pain management is the development, dissemination, implementation and support of advanced interventional pain management techniques. The objectives of the Pain Management Clinical Specialty Council are to provide and support a distinct, definable set of advanced imaging guidance techniques and practice parameters which will serve to treat patients suffering from acute and chronic pain throughout the world.  

Over the next few years, the Pain Management CSC is focusing on the following priority areas:

  • Expanding indications treated by interventional radiologists via advanced image-guided interventions to address pain and non-pain, nerve-mediated medical conditions
  • Encouraging high-level research to validify new treatment options
  • Promoting education for interventional radiologists
  • Establishing guidelines and strengthening collaboration with other pain specialties and referring services to support growing IR repertoire
  • Improving procedure reimbursement by conversion to Cat I codes through multi-society efforts
  • Communicating our capabilities and innovations to interventional radiologists, referring services, and potential patients

The Pain Management Clinical Specialty Council is seeking at-large members. Applicants must be SIR members in good standing and should be interested in the existing and evolving applications of advanced interventional pain management, including vertebral/sacral augmentation, osseous fracture repair and joint fusion, epidural and joint/bursa injections, nerve blocks and ablation, ablation of painful osseous and soft tissue tumors or other related areas. Applications are considered confidential. Upon the completion of the application period, current CSC leadership will recommend volunteers for appointment by the SIR Board of Directors. At-large volunteers shall serve a three-year term with the opportunity for a three-year reappointment. Terms begin and end upon the completion of the annual SIR Members’ Business Meeting.

More information about the role is available here.

Volunteers Needed:

3 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:





Emily Penninga Brown