Volunteer Opportunity Details

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2024 Early Career Section (ECS) Secretary Nomination Application

Signup Deadline: 02-23-2024
Starts: 04-01-2024
Ends: 03-31-2027
Location: Online Opportunity


The Early Career Section Governing Council carefully evaluates the nominations based on the current and future leadership needs. There are many qualified candidates who apply. For this reason, individuals may apply or be nominated several times before selection as a candidate. All nominees must be active members of the Early Career Section. Nominations are considered confidential. If you are interested in being considered for the secretary position, please complete the online nominations application.

Duties of the Secretary (Term 2024-2025)

  • Shall take the minutes of the annual meeting of the section and submit them to the section newsletter.
  • Shall provide the Executive Council the names of the elected section officers.
  • Shall assist the section chair in the preparation of an annual meeting and the chair of other committees of the section, as requested.
  • Shall carry out such other duties as are assigned by the chair of the section and the SIR Executive Council.

ECS Succession
To accomplish a smooth transition in the management of the ECS from year to year, the secretary, shall become the chair-elect and the chair-elect shall become chair. 

Read the ECS Governing Council Articles here. 

Volunteers Needed:

1 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:





Morgan Grant