In 2016, SIR resolved to have a more active role as it relates to Neurointerventional Radiology (NIR). This began with the establishment of educational programs to support IRs actively involved in treating patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke (AIS). In 2019, approximately 20 percent of AIS stroke interventions were being performed by IRs without formal NIR training. Ultimately this resulted in JCAHO recognizing IRs as vital to the treatment of patients suffering from AIS. The SIR stroke training guidelines have been updated to reflect current standards. As of July 2021, cerebral angiography is again a requirement for IR fellows and there is ongoing work with the ACGME, ABR and other societies to establish a recognized training pathway for IRs who seek NIR fellowship training.
SIR’s mission in Neurointerventional Radiology is to advocate for and promote recognition, education, and training in NIR for interventional radiologists throughout all stages of their career. Currently, this includes acute ischemic stroke and carotid interventions and well as spine interventions. The objectives of the NIR Service Line are to continue to promote and expand training and educational opportunities for IR throughout all stages of their careers and establish research priorities and projects in the NIR space. The long-term goal is to provide IRs and NIRs opportunities to learn, conduct and present research in NIR for the benefit of patients. This will require continued interspecialty and intersociety collaboration from SIR leadership.
Over the next few years, the Neurointerventional Radiology CSC is focusing on the following priority areas:
- Assessing the impact of IR on stroke care in the US
- Dedicated neurovascular and stroke training opportunities for IR
- Working with stakeholders to advance stroke data collection and quality improvement opportunities
The Neurointerventional Radiology Clinical Specialty Council is seeking at-large members. Applicants must be SIR members in good standing and should be experts in neurointerventional radiology, including stroke/neurovascular disease, carotid disease, head and neck pathologies and intracranial aneurysms. Applications are considered confidential. Upon the completion of the application period, current CSC leadership will recommend volunteers for appointment by the SIR Board of Directors. At-large volunteers shall serve a three-year term with the opportunity for a three-year reappointment. Terms begin and end upon the completion of the annual SIR Members’ Business Meeting.
More information about the role is available here.