Interventional radiology physicians were the pioneers in endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Currently, IRs provide approximately 20 percent of the endovascular procedural care for U.S. patients who suffer from PAD. However, PAD-trained IR physicians remain as the most highly skilled proceduralists in the field and maintain a robust practice.
SIR’s mission in PAD care is to improve the health of patients with PAD by developing revolutionary advances in image-guided therapy, by promoting the delivery of outstanding procedural and clinical PAD care, and by expanding patient access to qualified interventional radiologists for PAD care. The objectives of the PAD Council are to create a forward-looking strategic development plan to guide SIR efforts to improve the clinical care of patients with PAD, to assist the SIR’s divisional structure in implementing this plan consistently across the spectrum of SIR activities in PAD, and to contribute PAD-specific expertise to enhance all SIR programs.
Examples of current priorities of the PAD CSC include:
- Ensuring that IRs are involved in the forefront of PAD care through national initiatives such as representation in the AHA PAD National Action Plan
- Establishing favorable reimbursement models through quality-based outcomes measures
- Promoting awareness of IR’s role in PAD management in underserved areas for both patients and referrers
- Helping IRs in the development and growth of vascular specialist clinics in their practice
- Educating IRs on treating PAD
- Prioritizing research initiatives in PAD
The Peripheral Arterial Disease Clinical Specialty Council is seeking at-large members. Applicants must be SIR members in good standing and should be experts in PAD, including peripheral vascular interventions involving aortic, infrainguinal, and below-the-knee treatment. Experience in aortic aneurysm repair and dissection treatments are also encouraged. Applications are considered confidential. Upon the completion of the application period, current CSC leadership will recommend volunteers for appointment by the SIR Board of Directors. At-large volunteers shall serve a three-year term with the opportunity for a three-year reappointment. Terms begin and end upon the completion of the annual SIR Members’ Business Meeting.
More information about the role is available here.